BENCHMARK consulting has a long track record for energy related projects all over the world. We cooperate with companies that require the technology for these projects or are focused on project dvelopment in certain regions.
BENCHMARK consulting is your partner for projects and services in the segment waste treamtment, drinking water supply and wastewater treatment, were investments are decided locally.
The team of BENCHMARK consulting has a long track record and international experience for industrial projects – development and execution. Professionalism, discreetness and trust are the main pillars of our approach.
moreThe in-depth knowledge of BENCHMARK consulting of the technical and commercial characteristics of industrial projects as well as an international network in this business creates unique opportunities for a head start.
moreBENCHMARK consulting provides you with a cost effective and high quality representation of your services and/or products in Central and Eastern Europe at a central location in Vienna.
moreManaging Director and Partner
Mag. (Business administration, WU Wien), Ing. (communication engineering & electronics)